Friday, April 15, 2011

LibraryThing is the Thing

I have an account for many of the different book sites like Goodreads and LibraryThing. LibraryThing is one of my favorites; I am Notquitesuperhman. I have it embedded on my other blog and add star reviews to my selections. On Not Quite Superhuman I blog about books a lot. When I blog a new book, I add it to my shelf. I don't have as many titles listed as Marlena at SBPL, only about 40 or so right now (I really need to edit it), but you can definitely get a feel for my eclectic reading tastes.

I just recently signed up to receive review copies of books from LibraryThing, so I can't really say how that is going. A lot of my ARCs come from NetGalley or I have requested directly from the publisher or author. Monitoring the ALA list-serves is also helpful because they will have ARCs up for grabs a lot for the first responders. My all time favorite site for book recommendations is TeenReads. They have contests, recommendations, reading lists, and more on their site.

BTW I am currently reading Supernaturally by Kiersten White. Yeah, it's not out yet. :)


  1. Check out my review of Supernaturally! The author even says she is in love with it ;)
