I have an account for many of the different book sites like Goodreads and LibraryThing. LibraryThing is one of my favorites; I am Notquitesuperhman. I have it embedded on my other blog and add star reviews to my selections. On Not Quite Superhuman I blog about books a lot. When I blog a new book, I add it to my shelf. I don't have as many titles listed as Marlena at SBPL, only about 40 or so right now (I really need to edit it), but you can definitely get a feel for my eclectic reading tastes.
I just recently signed up to receive review copies of books from LibraryThing, so I can't really say how that is going. A lot of my ARCs come from NetGalley or I have requested directly from the publisher or author. Monitoring the ALA list-serves is also helpful because they will have ARCs up for grabs a lot for the first responders. My all time favorite site for book recommendations is TeenReads. They have contests, recommendations, reading lists, and more on their site.
Check out my review of Supernaturally! The author even says she is in love with it ;)
She's in love with Your review?!?