Monday, February 14, 2011

Love on First Slide!

I love SlideShare. There are some really awesome presentations available on their website. It is a great place to get ideas and information. I am also in love with marketing and if it wasn't for it being a part of a business degree, I might have majored in it (I hate math!). Now marketing isn't just promoting your product (or library!), it is about researching your target demographic so that what you want to tell them will not only reach your target, but also interest and relate to them. Make an impact!

One person that I follow on SlideShare is jessedee. He has found some awesome presentations that really catch your attention. One of my favorites is

It really catches your attention. Now unfortunately, there are some really boring presentations on SlideShare. Yes, they are informative and they do get to the point, but they don't stick with you. I did a search on Library 2.0 (another one of my obsessions; can you tell?) and of course marketing. The results were kind of, well...

I picked the one below because the lizard just jumped right at me and grabbed a hold of my attention. Turns out the information it contained was really on target and very helpful. I have to admit the mention about Huffington Post kind of cinched it for me since Gatekeepers Post is a spin-off of that website. (Sorry, blatant self-promotion there *wink* )
Face it, sometimes we do judge a book by its cover. Take a lesson from SlideShare and look at how many times the presentation has been viewed. What do they all have in common? Next time you have to do a presentation, what can you incorporate from what you have learned?

1 comment:

  1. I agree about Jessedee. He has great stuff -- so visual and vibrant. I am glad you found a 2.0 slideshow you liked, too.

    Thanks for embedding them so others can see.
